Friday, August 5, 2016

Week 4 EOC: Business and Personal

Episode 4

This episode is the start of it was understandable before but now it's just sad. How Richard can go to the meeting with the lawyer and yet still not know what he needs to do. I mean why nobody around him has sat him down and go ok this is what you need to know and what you need to answer. A lawyer is the last person to be sitting in front of and trying to figure things out, every moment of their time will be charged to you. Which on a quick note brings up an unnecessary comment about his secretary in the beginning, Richard should truly start to think who he is associated with.

This brings up the secondary issue of whether Erlich should be a board member or not. There are different implications as to why he should and shouldn't be on the board. Though in a purely business sense he shouldn't put him on the board to ensure he can't be voted out. However I believe he has made the right call to put him on the board, due to the fact that every once in a while you have to take a leap of faith. It is questionable whether or not he is the right man to have faith in, the fact is he himself will show more loyalty to a point due to this move.

The need for an elevator pitch is critical, coming from the film side I was taught to actually have the pitch before you write the script. Which is why still it is unbelievable that he hasn't locked this in yet, it has to have been longer than a week in this universe more than enough time to get the bullet points of a business education.

Work Cited
Kelly, Marcella. BUSN, 9th Edition. Cengage Learning, 2017. VitalSource Bookshelf Online.

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