Friday, August 5, 2016

Week 2 EOC: Silicon Valley - The good, bad and big head

Episode 2

This episode highlights the major problem that Richard has and is going to be trying to concur. The problem being he has not been able to define really anything besides the code he has created. You can see that he has the desire to create something big, but has shown that he doesn't have an true appreciation for what goes into the business. The best part for me that highlights the over all problem with Richard, that was the bit about when it was due. 

Though he is being pushed away from the mindset, his greatest struggle is thinking there is a set way of handling these types of business. Though obviously there are but how you answer them has more flexibility and truly showcases the level of the company. The habit of following the system with in education has clearly given him the mindset of having someone setting the due dates and guideline for what needs to be done can not be the mindset of an entrepreneur.

This handicap has two route of dealing with it, and are both shown within in the episode. The first is breaking out on your own, though it might hurt Richard but he started taking the right baby steps with interview and figuring out why people should be part of the company. The other route is highlighted by Big Head when he decided to take the safe route and stick with a pre-established corporation. In this case he made the right call, he understood that he didn't have enough to be valuable to Pied Pipper. Either way though each has their own hurdles to tackle as they move forward and will be interesting to see where they go.     

Work Cited
Kelly, Marcella. BUSN, 9th Edition. Cengage Learning, 2017. VitalSource Bookshelf Online.

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